Eugene von Meekem Becomes a Big Name in America: Eighteen Drawings of Jewish Immigrants Donated to New York Historical Society |  Antwerp

Eugene von Meekem Becomes a Big Name in America: Eighteen Drawings of Jewish Immigrants Donated to New York Historical Society | Antwerp

Last month Joos traveled from Le Havre to New York with thirteen members of the Eugene Van Michem Foundation. They did it on the Queen Mary. “Sailing was part of the mass immigration to America via the Red Star Line. Practical reasons also played a role. We had to carry thirty lists, including eighteen maps of a member of our foundation. We also took with us a bronze statue, a travel book of the ship’s captain, Samuel Jackson.

The agreement means that Van Meekem’s donated works will travel around the United States and Canada. “I don’t care about passion,” says Juss. A new book, “Eugene von Michem and the Jewish Immigrants of the Red Star Line,” is having a major impact on Jewish organizations. It’s actually a calling card.

The official donation took place at Flanders House, which opened its doors thirteen years ago in the New York Times building. Red Star Line Champagne was served at the reception. And Augustine Patre, wife of von Michem, who died young— The De Ried Museum has a wonderful exhibition – Champagne immortals from wine wholesaler La Cave aux Bulles.

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