Embarrassing encounter of Kate, William, Harry and Meghan

Embarrassing encounter of Kate, William, Harry and Meghan

Embarrassing encounter of Kate, William, Harry and Meghan

© Redactie Beau Monde
Embarrassing encounter of Kate, William, Harry and Meghan

Kate and William have announced that they will move to the United States next year. But do they also go to Sussex?

A topic that will also keep people busy in 2022: will we have another first reunion Fab Four?

royal christmas

For everyone who hopes happy For Prince William and Prince Harry to reunite, Christmas seemed to be the right moment for a long time. since birth LilibetHarry and Meghan’s daughter has been rumored to be taking her for the holidays The real life Will propose to the Queen and the rest of the members Royal family. Meanwhile, palace staff are already busy preparing for the royal Christmas party, and more casual staff have been telling the press that Harry and Meghan are unexpected at the Queen’s Palace after all. This does not mean that a file Royal The reunion should be completely off track. Because Prince William and Duchess Kate just planned to visit the United States.

Go to America

Next year drag Cambridge to States In order to introduce Prince William’s new hobby horse, the Earthshot Award. And if they cross the ocean, they will likely also visit Sussex, California. or not? According to Kings expert Jonathan Sacredotti, the situation between the two brothers has become so uncomfortable that there is really no good way out. “If Kate and William are invited to Harry and Meghan’s house and they decline the invitation, that is narrow-minded and low. And if they aren’t invited, it’s narrow-minded and mean the other side,” he says. US magazine. “And if they accept the invitation but something goes wrong and it becomes uncomfortable, it would also seem like a bad idea to me.” Well, Jonathan is missing the most optimistic scenario here: Couldn’t this be Fab Four Reunited again and everything is going smoothly? What is the relationship between the brothers like now?

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Photo: BrunoPress

© Submitted by Beau Monde
Photo: BrunoPress

long distance

Harry and Meghan’s biographer Omid Scobie knows the brothers still haven’t been able to get through the door. “The bond between Harry and William is still very far. And I don’t mean only that there is physical distance, with the Atlantic Ocean between them, but also that they rarely talk to each other,” Omid says. Entertainment tonight. “They are two completely different men. And I think William has really become someone who lives his life for the crown, for the monarchy. Harry has really gone in the exact opposite direction.”

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