Due to the refugee crisis, Belgium deploys the army to search for more reception places |  Currently

Due to the refugee crisis, Belgium deploys the army to search for more reception places | Currently

The Belgian army will help Fedasil to find additional places for refugees. And about a dozen soldiers will see if Fedasil can make better use of existing reception areas, according to reports the morning.

Nicole de Moore, the secretary of state in charge of asylum reception, had already asked for help from government organizations several times.

Asylum shelters in Belgium are also full. Last week, minors had to sleep on the street for the first time in Brussels. “Cases similar to those of Ter Apel,” VluchtelingenWerk spokesperson Vlaanderen said about the situation. The number of reception places in Belgium is scarce, and Fedasil is also understaffed.

Defense Minister spokesman Ludivine Didonder explained that the defense is now deploying a command and control cell. the morning From. These soldiers will investigate whether Fedasil can fill existing places more efficiently.

In addition, there will be a crisis center, through which the army will look for new shelters. This should have resulted in an additional 1,500 reception places by 1 December.

Vidasil put work for an hour due to dissatisfaction

Hours after the Arkan Vidasil went on strike, it was announced that the army would intervene. On Thursday afternoon, employees took an hour off work for the second time in a few months. They did so out of dissatisfaction with the faltering asylum system.

“Staff are tired after a series of crises,” the director of a reception center told local media. bruzz.be. “At Fedasil, there is no problem with getting wet. We often do that, but it also has to make sense and there should be possibilities in the medium and long term.”

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