Coalition agreement with Amnesty International within one week: 'Goes a long way'

Coalition agreement with Amnesty International within one week: 'Goes a long way'

Students from Fontes University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven drafted a consortium agreement on behalf of Editie NL artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence. They completed the work in just one week a tool together.

The user can click on a maximum of four tips. For convenience, we choose PPV, VVD, NSC and BBB. After all, these are the parties that are the problem. At the touch of a button, a coalition agreement of less than five thousand words appears.

To achieve this, the students had to train their own AI system. “It's not possible to just give all the party software to the computer,” explains student Nick Van Dam. “And then it runs away with them and comes up with weird stuff.” . ”

Therefore, the students provided the indicators themselves. “Think about important issues, like immigration, climate and health care,” Van Dam says.

From the share of recourse to the opponent

The AI ​​Alliance Agreement between PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB addresses various topics: from an asylum quota of a maximum of fifteen thousand asylum seekers per year to abolishing or significantly reducing the deductible amount.

It is also stated that detainees must wear uniforms. “You see that one party has a strong opinion about something, and then the model confirms that. It's funny to see,” says Van Dam.

“Fun, but also mistakes.”

“It's an interesting experience,” says political reporter Fons Lampe. “If you choose the four parties that are negotiating now, artificial intelligence will go a long way. The parties will sign the paragraph related to nuclear energy or regional investments.”

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However, there are mistakes too, Lambie says. “The texts are vague or not well-researched. It is unclear exactly how the asylum quota works. AI makes many promises that you can never keep: You cannot divide health care costs fairly and significantly reduce health care costs for middle-income people.”

The other missing point is finances. “And that's exactly where the tough choices lie: What do you spend more money on? Where can you make cuts? That's the tough spot in this shaping round. They're tough choices, and this AI tool doesn't solve them.”

Additional tool

Students do not necessarily see their tool as the solution, but rather as an additional tool for negotiators. Van Dam: “I actually think it's a scary idea for an AI to create and predict an entire coalition agreement.”

Although the students initially presented it as a tool for politicians, they believe it will benefit citizens as well. “Politicians often speak complex language,” says Van Dam. “This tool quickly makes confusing text understandable.” “The tool picks out what's really important.”

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