Catch Pokémon faster with the new Pokémon GO Quick Catch

Catch Pokémon faster with the new Pokémon GO Quick Catch

Yesterday, a new method for Pokémon GO Quick Catch suddenly appeared. Pokémon GO Quick Catch is a method that allows you to catch a Pokémon faster by leaving the capture screen before knowing whether or not it has been caught. This is a frequently used function, especially during Community Day and GO Festival. However, up until now you needed two fingers, and that is no longer the case.

It has become easier lately, but the question is whether this will continue. Now it goes like this:

Please note that you must do this first:

  • Open an augmented reality session with a Pokémon
  • Select that you can rotate (rounded arrows)
  • Turn it slightly to the right
  • Now exit the photo screen and return to the map

Below you can see how this works:

  • Click on the Pokemon on your card
  • Click on the Pokéball at the bottom right in the capture screen and drag your finger to the bottom left (near the berry)
    • Here you had to add a second finger in the past, but now you can continue with the same finger
  • Spin the ball to throw a curveball
  • throw the ball
  • Click on the center of the screen
  • Tap “Run Away” at the top left and you will return to the main screen

Below you can also see the new Pokémon GO Quick Catch in action:

This is likely a bug and there is a good chance that Niantic will fix this. Let’s hope that’s not the case, but that’s not certain.

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