Bridget on the relationship with Andre: ‘I had a bit of a midlife crisis’ |  stars

Bridget on the relationship with Andre: ‘I had a bit of a midlife crisis’ | stars

Bridget prefers not to talk about her relationship with Andre (27), and the breakup that followed. Only once did she make an exception, when she appeared on a podcast This will never get better He poured out all of his pent-up frustrations and secrets about this illustrious affair. And so reprimanded RTL Broad street surrounded by treesThe presenter and singer, among other things, said that he “never defended her” and that he “lied about his relationship status”.

Two months later, she beautiful world Asked if she’s started to view relationships differently in recent years, maybe she’s not very happy after all? “I don’t know if I’ve ever thought about it. But no, I didn’t look at it differently. I still believe in love, and when it comes my way, I love a relationship. It can feel bitter and sad because of the things I’ve been through, but that’s just that.” for you “.


Bridget, 47, thinks she was “having a bit of a midlife crisis.” “To be afraid to let go and then take this. Someone gives you attention and you think: Wow, I’m all for this. I don’t think I’m going to do that soon anymore. People think this midlife crisis only happens in men, but we women suffer from it the same way.” fate “.

After her difficult relationship with Monique Westenberg, Rachel Hazes, Rachel’s mother, was not as happy with her daughter-in-law as Bridget, André’s ex-fiancée. What is left of that friendship after more than a year and a half? “Well, we sometimes call and like each other on Instagram. That’s what people see, but of course it’s not close. We find each other so cute and cute, and I can laugh with her, because she’s such a funny woman. Why can’t I be friends with her? I’m sure I I will keep in good contact with my first mother-in-law if she is still alive.”

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