Blizzard lets Alliance and Horde play together for the first time in World of Warcraft – Gaming – News

Since the release of World of Warcraft in 2004, there has always been a strict dividing line between Horde and Alliance factions. Blizzard will test in the next update if they can allow the two groups to play together more in dungeons, raids and pvp.

in a message On the mmorpg website, game director Ion Hazizikostas explains what players can expect from Horde and Alliance interaction. Players of the two factions will soon be able to do dungeons, raids, ranked arenas, and ranked battlefields together. Blizzard wants to implement the functionality in update 9.2.5.

If players are friends with someone in the game who is playing with the other faction, they can invite them to a group via Battlenet. In addition, members of the multi-faction community can also form a group together to do dungeons, raids, or PvPs. Moreover, group can also be grouped together via group finder. The party leader can choose to allow only his faction members. The job will remain in the group explorer that puts you in a random group associated with the faction for the time being. There, players only end up in groups with players of their own faction.

Horde and Alliance players can only assist each other in battle once they are in the locked state. As they roam the open world, the interaction between the two factions will be limited as it is now. Hazikostas wrote that nothing would change regarding the guilds either, they would still be attached to the factions for now.

The game director returns in his message to statements made at BlizzCon 2019, in which the team also stated that “the split between Alliance and Horde is the foundation of what makes Warcraft and Warcraft.” Hazikostas now returns to these words, and now that he has looked at them, he calls this statement very “short-sighted.” Instead, “horde and alliance identities are intrinsic to Warcraft”.

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Update 9.2 is currently being prepared for release, although Blizzard has yet to announce a release date. When 9.2. Live, the team wants to start making 9.2.5 available on test servers. There, players can test out new functions.

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