AWTI will evaluate the grading and recognition program

AWTI will evaluate the grading and recognition program

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June 23, 2022 † The AWTI Advisory Board will conduct an independent evaluation of the recognition and assessment program. This assessment follows the proposal of Representatives Hat van der Wood (VVD) and Harry van der Meulen (CDA). The assessment specifically takes into account how the recognition and assessment program affects the international position of Dutch science.

The National Archives building which also houses the AWTI. Photo: Hermann Zunderland

Van der Vaud previously asked parliamentary questions about recognition and appreciation and during the debate he expressed concern that the program threatened the international standing of the Dutch flag. Very large US research funders such as the National Institutes of Health and the NSF do not participate in this movement in this way. With this movement we go down to the international level Categories for sale. How’s it going – whatever you want Categories Find out – no problem for our international position if we back off Categories† She said during the discussion, this question cannot be dismissed with “lots of states involved and we are not concerned,” as stated in the answer to my written questions.

In the a movement Van der Wood and Van der Meulen, Minister Dejgraf are invited to conduct an independent evaluation of the recognition and evaluation program that has been implemented. This evaluation should not only focus specifically on the progress of the programme, but also assess the impact of the program on the international position of Dutch science.

How is scientific quality determined?

AWTI sent on its way With the question of how to objectively define the quality of science and do justice to the differences between scientific disciplines, types of research, types of roles of researchers, and types of researchers. The letter of advice should provide insight into what is known about objective methods for determining scientific quality and what are the advantages and disadvantages of these evaluation methods.

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Critics of the Recognition and Recognition Program have long expressed concern that the Recognition and Recognition Program, which is primarily aimed at personnel policy at universities, will be at the expense of scholarly excellence. AWTI will now investigate how the definition of scientific quality differs when used for personnel policy or to allocate research funding. In addition, it will be examined how developments in science affect the definition of quality.

Recognize and appreciate the impact on the international situation

The AWTI also has the task of investigating how the international standing of Dutch science is affected by the way scientific quality is determined. In light of this, the advisory board is asked about the current international position of the Dutch flag, whether this position is subject to change and, if so, what factors are causing this.

With regard to international standing, it is also important to consider how scientific quality is determined in other countries. For example, Van der Woude and Van der Molen stated in their movement that recognition and evaluation are not the international standard, as a result of which Dutch universities may fall into international rankings. Categories If they embrace the program. During the discussion, Minister Djgraf recognized this danger. “We shouldn’t get too far ahead, because all of a sudden you become so vulnerable as part of an international system,” he said.

Even VU President Jeroen Geurts, one of the national leaders of the recognition and assessment programme, earlier indicated that the position of the Dutch flag should not suffer from the recognition and assessment programme. “The Recognition and Recognition Program is still all about the best sciences; As the Netherlands, we want to remain competitive towards the rest of the world and be at the top of the lists.” At the time, he saw the fact that these lists were based on unwelcome factors as a problem that remained to be resolved.

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go down to Categories Did not matter

At the same time, even before Geurts took over as rector, VU indicated in its annual report a decline in Categories It was seen as a welcome outcome of the Recognition and Recognition Program. Other leaders of Erkennen en Waarderen also fear a decline in Categories No, albeit mostly on the basis of basic criticism of Categories yourself.

In the near future, AWTI will investigate how scientific quality is determined outside the Netherlands. If this is done primarily on the basis of h indicators and influence factors, the implementation of the recognition and recognition program may lead to a decline in the international level Categories as a result.

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