Are Linda de Mol and Jeroen Rothbergen reunited in Chile?  (rtl street)

Are Linda de Mol and Jeroen Rothbergen reunited in Chile? (rtl street)

Linda de Mol recently announced that she will begin her life in 2023 as positive as possible. Is there still room in that life for her ex-husband, Jeroen Reitbergen? “What we see is Jeroen’s car is regularly spotted at her house and what we hear is Yvonne Coldeweijer saying Linda is vacationing with him in Chile,” says Rob Goossens at RTL Boulevard.

Give the relationship a chance
In fact, Luke Eckink would understand: “I can imagine you’re thinking… Well, you know what, I just want to give my relationship a chance because I love this guy. But it’s almost impossible for her because everyone follows her. She doesn’t want to manage Linda.” Commenting on if something is going on between her and Jeroen again.

Watch an excerpt RTL Boulevard here under

Are Linda de Mol and Jeroen Rothbergen reunited in Chile? ( RTL Boulevard )

Linda de Mol recently announced that she will begin her life in 2023 as positive as possible. Is there still room in that life for her ex-husband, Jeroen Reitbergen? “What we see is Jeroen’s car is regularly spotted at her house and what we hear is Yvonne Coldeweijer saying Linda is vacationing with him in Chile,” says Rob Goossens at RTL Boulevard. “Give relationship a chance” Luke Eckink would understand: “I can imagine you think… well, you know what, I just want to give my relationship a chance because I love this guy. But it’s almost impossible for her because everyone follows her. No Linda’s management wants to comment on whether something is going on between her and Jeroen again Watch the segment from RTL Boulevard below Watch also Today Inside Goes on for another 20 years: “Johan Derksen has already signed” Watch this video »De Slimste Mens: Cindy Hoetmer lets tongues loose (Video) Watch this video» Jinek: What about The Voice of Holland investigation? Watch this video »
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Are Linda de Mol and Jeroen Rothbergen reunited in Chile? (RTL Boulevard)

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