Announcing the nominations for distinguished Dutch higher education 2022 | news item

news item | 03-15-2022 | 15:00

Six educational teams from professional higher education and scientific education have been nominated for the Excellent Dutch Higher Education Award 2022, the award for innovative higher education. In total there are 5 million euros to be distributed. The team can receive a maximum of 1.2 million euros. On Thursday 12 May 2022 Minister Robert Dijkgraf (Education, Culture and Science) will award Dutch higher education tuition.

The Dutch higher education premium is an acknowledgment of innovation in education in universities and colleges, and is also intended as an important mark of appreciation for high performing educational teams. It is also an incentive for educators to continue working on educational innovation and knowledge sharing. Dutch higher education premiums were awarded for the first time last year.

“I think it is important to highlight the best performance of teachers,” Minister Djgraf says. Innovation and collaboration are as important in education as research. This is what I want to appreciate and encourage with such a premium.

Total 5 million available

With the Dutch higher education premium, a total of €5 million per year can be distributed, divided into 3 teaching teams from universities of applied sciences and 3 teaching teams from universities. The six nominated teams will receive 1.2 million euros, 800,000 euros or 500,000 euros. The teams may use the amount of money won to make a special contribution to the renewal and/or improvement of higher education through an extraordinary project.

Designated Education Teams

The six nominee educational teams and their projects:

  • Holistic Community Lab (NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences)

In this lab, students and teachers from 8 different MBO and HBO programs work together with experts by experience and people from the professional field to find creative solutions to the problem of poverty. For example, it is investigated why people with debts turn to Kredietbank only if they have had significant financial problems for years.

  • Pulseid (Fontes University of Applied Sciences)

Pulsed is a multidisciplinary team within Fontys. It has set up many innovative initiatives in collaboration with social partners, companies and students, such as a program for students who dropped out in the first two years after a wrong academic choice.

  • Codarts Student Life Program (Codarts Rotterdam, School of the Arts)

The Codarts Student Life Program focuses on improving the physical and mental health of students in the performing arts. All first, second and third year students of circus, music and dance courses participate in the program. The program has since been adopted by other organizations.

  • Practicing Law in Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam)

By practicing law in Amsterdam, lawyers learn to pay attention to their role in law in relation to a complex society. They also learn how to link academic concepts with professional practice.

  • Learning Mindset (Leiden University)

‘steam learning mindset He developed a toolkit that incorporates “journalism” (a form of written reflection (structured like a diary) in Leiden University College teaching). Using the toolkit, students learn to direct their own learning process through active, structured thinking.

  • Shaping a Responsible Future (Twente Technical University)
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Mrinsert form responsible futures It is a non-systematic programme. Students from various study programs at Designlab work on interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary work on societal challenges.

Read more information about candidates for the Distinguished Higher Education Program 2022

Announcement May 12 2022

On Thursday 12th May 2022 it will be announced which teachers team will win which installment. This happens during the year Comenius Network Comenius Festival (educational innovation). Entries were judged by a jury led by Dr. Marc van Mel of Utrecht University, who was named Lecturer of the Year in 2017.

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