Also 3voor12 is on the way, 3FM is still express for the big name in the afternoon |  show

Also 3voor12 is on the way, 3FM is still express for the big name in the afternoon | show

The hunt for the best striker continues between 4pm and 7pm. Bram Krikke and Tom van der Weerd were in the picture, just as Frank Dane, Ruud de Wild, and Giel Beelen, but they will stay with Qmusic. Rob Janssen and Wijnand Speelman get their hottest early and go from evening to morning. Gorian Rinkema (10-12) and Timor Berlin (12-14) held their positions. Sander Hoogendoorn can be heard in the new setting in the early afternoon.

Frank van der Linde moves into the evening between 19:00 and 22:00. 3 for 12 Gives way to Olivier Packer and Jimmy Reuter of PowNed, to confirm the various receipts. Cool, because the alternative music program has been a regular late-evening staple since 1998. VPRO himself says he “can’t say anything”. Eva Corman’s voice won’t be heard on weekdays, but on weekends between 10am and 1pm.

In recent weeks, it has already become clear that a lot will change at 3FM. The public radio station has been struggling with low listening rates for a long time and is currently the eleventh station in the country. Both Hoogendoorn if Corman and van der Linde They have already announced that they will stop the morning and afternoon show.

The NPO and broadcaster Menno de Boer are “unable to respond at this time, due to conversations with broadcasters”.

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