Addressing discrimination and racism in education, culture, media and science | news item

news item | 2022-10-13 | 15:48

There should be no room for discrimination and racism in education, culture, media and the science sector. However, this is the order of the day. With words and deeds. visible and invisible. That is why Ministers Dejgraf, Wiersma and Foreign Minister Oslo have come up with an approach to combating (institutional) exclusion in these sectors. This describes how they view discriminatory approaches to education, culture, media and science, in collaboration with these sectors.

“There is nothing more frustrating and frustrating than systemic injustice and discrimination. But also: nothing is so uplifting and encouraging as the moment when society collectively turns the page.” Robert Dijkgraf, Minister of Education, Culture and Science

The importance is great: in school you learn to interact with each other. An exhibition, book, or performance asks you to look at yourself or to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Science brings us the insights that enable us to advance both positively and collectively. These policy areas also have a great exemplary function: diversity is immediately visible in the classroom, on television, or in the programming of a cultural institution. Or painfully absent. While the importance of acting and “appearing” is indisputable.

“History shows us that art and its makers shape our future, shape, content, and color. By doing so, they offer new ideas to many people.” – Jonai Oslo, Minister of State for Culture and Information


The ambition is to provide a comprehensive and equal offer. Every Dutch person should be able to identify themselves with teaching and study materials, exhibitions, media and archives. Equitable opportunities are also supported: low discrimination in expectations and lack of counseling in primary schools, training in secondary education and higher vocational education should not occur. In addition, it is important that institutions in the education, culture, media and science sector create an inclusive organizational culture as employers. Where there is no discrimination, racism and other forms of exclusion and where inclusion and equality is the norm.

“You develop in school and discover who you are. You also learn to participate in society. In fact, school is where you can become what you are. There you must be able to be yourself unconditionally. This only works if it feels Children, as well as teachers and certainly parents, are free and safe at school.” Dennis Wersma, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education


The Anti-Discrimination and Racism Agenda states how the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science will combat discrimination and racism over the next four years and how inclusion and equality will be promoted.

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NCDR الوطني National Program

The National Program of the NCDR Published September 19, 2022. This national program contains government plans to combat discrimination and racism. The OCW’s Anti-Discrimination and Racism Program contains the ambitions of its three Ministers and thus gives substance to the National Program in its policy areas. In the coming years, OCW, along with other ministries, will seek to collaborate with the NCDR on important topics such as discrimination in internships. In the coming years, each ministry will carry out this task in its own way.

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