Ad van Tor shares his concerns about ‘Basey’: ‘He’s not doing well’ |  Watch

Ad van Tor shares his concerns about ‘Basey’: ‘He’s not doing well’ | Watch

According to Aad (80), who formed the bassie duo & Adriaan with his brother for decades, Bas can only move his right hand. , to control the TV with the remote control. And for the rest, he “needs help with everything,” according to the former stuntman and TV star.

The former clown’s health has not been good for years, as he suffers from autoimmune diseases and is in a wheelchair. But it’s getting worse, Aad says. “There is no hope that this will ever improve.”

According to Ad, this is very difficult for Bass. ,, This is what Bass regularly says to me: How do I earn this back? Bass isn’t worth it at all.”

Adam already said in an interview With this site that Bass was not on his 80th birthday in November. “His health does not permit it anymore.”

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In 2021 there is a parade of Basi, who was very ill at the time:

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