A US police officer is abusing the copyright system to stay away from YouTube

A US police officer is abusing the copyright system to stay away from YouTube

at Movie Released Thursday, a police officer can now be seen playing a Taylor Swift song while being filmed by the police’s Anti-Terrorism Project (APTP) activist group. When passers-by asked him why, he said, “I know you can’t upload this video to YouTube YouTube [als ik muziek aanzet]. ”

The incident took place outside a courthouse in San Leandro. A hearing was at the time in the case of Stephen Taylor, the black man who was shot and killed by a police officer. And I needed APTP right away. An officer asked the group to remove a banner, apparently criticizing the activists photographing it.

Ironically, the trick did not work in this case. The video is still available on YouTube.

Legal to register

Under US law, it is perfectly legal to record videos of officers on duty. In this way, citizens in recent years have put pressure on officers who abuse their position, for example to mistreat people.

Such recordings played an important role in the case of George Floyd, the black man who was killed by a police officer. This cop, Derek Chauvin, turned 22 2 weeks ago prison sentence from the judge.

US activists have reported since the beginning of this year that agents are abusing YouTube’s “content ID” algorithms, but so far no agent has admitted to it. Content ID matches a video with an existing video.

If the video appears to show similarities with another copyrighted video, the video can be taken offline or it will not be uploaded at all. Content ID is known for its ability to use the music of popular artists.

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