A thief loots the money pot in the church and leaves the music playing

A thief loots the money pot in the church and leaves the music playing

Police officer Hisham Arkani posted a somewhat ambiguous report on Instagram on Sunday about Noland Church. The church doors were wide open, the lights were off, music was playing and the offender stole the bowl of church money.

This is a report from a few weeks ago. “What God has joined…” hung in large letters above the altar. “It caught my attention immediately,” customer Argani wrote on his Instagram account. The logo refers to a verse from the Bible. It is now clear that this mark is standard.

The officer received a tip-off at 1:45 a.m. that the doors of the Sint Jans Beheading Church were open. While his colleague was walking around the building, Arkani entered with his flashlight. It’s dark and church music is playing. “I seem to have that under my arms, but that’s not the case,” he says of the video.

no trace
There are no signs of church storming. So the door was wide open for some inexplicable reason. The police officers also did not turn off the music and it was a mystery how it started in the first place.

During the examination, the church cash bowl was found empty. “The last thing you do is steal from the church,” the officer wrote. It is not yet known who carried out the mysterious looting and how much it was stolen.

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