A milestone for the soccer player Enschede Funk |  regional sports

A milestone for the soccer player Enschede Funk | regional sports

A milestone for softball player Brett Funk from Enschede. She played her 200th international match on Wednesday. And how!

Funk was good for two homeruns against the Czech Republic. One was a 3-time home run. Vonk has been an international hit for some time now. The Dutch won 12-2 on Wednesday. This was the last match in a series of four exhibition matches between the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

Funk will play in competition this season for Dutch champions Olympia Haarlem. Last season she played for the Tex Town Tigers, making her debut in 2005. She also played (briefly) for Alcmaria Victrix and Terrasvogels, played in Italy and Australia for a while and was active in America.

Enschede made his debut in the national team in 2008. She participated in the Olympic Games in Beijing, the World Cup and the European Championships with the Orange team.

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