A British group acquires part of the bankrupt parent company Perry Sport

A British group acquires part of the bankrupt parent company Perry Sport

The curator cannot say whether the Perry Sport, Aktiesport and Sprinter names will disappear from the street scene due to the partial takeover. “The Fraser Group has bought the names as well. It’s up to them whether they continue with those names or with their own names,” says Van de Mint.

Sports Unlimited Retail has a total of 54 stores in the Netherlands and employs around 1,100 people. Frasers Group already owns five sports stores in the Netherlands under the Sports World flag.

Van de Meent cannot yet say how many Sports Unlimited retailers will eventually be taken over. “This also means that it is not yet possible to determine which Sports Unlimited Retail store employees are affected by this and who are not,” the coordinator adds.

run out

According to Van de Mint, Frasers Group wants to start with its new stock in stores. He added, “Sales in stores will continue until at least March 1, 2024.” The curator noted that some stores may close early if sales there are faster than currently expected.

The exhibition curator previously said that the company had been making losses for years before a court in Amsterdam declared it bankrupt last month. Until 2016, Perry Sport and Aktiesport were still part of the Unlimited Sports Group (USG), which went bankrupt that year.

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The Fraser Group owns the Sports Direct chain, among other stores, with over five hundred stores in the UK and 170 in the EU. The company also owns the British department store chain Flannels, which has fifty branches in England.

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