What Studio Europa can learn from the BBC

What Studio Europa can learn from the BBC

I never understood the afterthoughts. You watch a ninety-minute football match in which goals, fouls and beautiful actions are highlighted, while commentators describe what you are actually watching at that moment. What is there to say after the match is over? And if you’re already discussing it with specially invited guests, why is everyone dressed like they’re walking out of a bar? Or you have a meeting with the parents at school afterwards?

Study Europe

So, here’s an unsolicited review for you. One focuses on analysts’ clothing. And to get straight to the point: have gentlemen never heard of a tailor?

Let’s take a random broadcast. What stands out? Wesley Schneider and Giovanni van Bronckhorst seem to have been pulled by invisible strings. In other words, the shoulder and back panel of the jacket are quite large. It seems that gentlemen do not know the trick to solve this problem. Broadcaster Schord van Ramshorst is also guilty of this.

I should be really happy if a jacket is worn at all. Theo Janssen opts for dark blue jackets and faded shirts and Henry Schut loves to wear cute, tight-fitting polo shirts around his trained biceps. Pierre van Hooydonk still gives hope, but he also always replaces his signature coat and tie shirt with a casual jacket with a shirt underneath.

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If only Studio Europa speakers had a look at BBC’s best duo, where presenter Gary Lineker and dinner guest Alan Shearer always appear at the office in a suit (or at least a nicely cut jacket and shirt). A very decent suit, yes, but the time and attention has definitely been spent. The fact that the Shearer comes from the charming city of Newcastle (say, Groningen, England) does not seem to affect his sense of taste.

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Also striking: all of the former British pros seem to be able to find their way into the gym, unlike the former Orange stars (are we reading together, Wes and Raf?).

It is likely that the degree of interest in clothing is rooted in the culture. In the UK, sport has its own traditions and etiquette. Look at Wimbledon, the polo season and Royal Ascot. All of these events have a strict dress code (a jacket is required, a woman does not have to be bare shoulders), but for other sports, a certain secret also applies. Effort that you wear in your clothes. The British dress elegantly out of respect for the sport. And for viewers.

In the Netherlands, appearance plays a lesser role. I can already hear my dad’s buddies say, “They’re here to talk about football, not to run a fashion show?” But sure. I don’t expect Raphael van der Vaart in either of them From head to toe Gucci (fun idea) or Schut in a tuxedo. But please make something out of your appearance. Memorize this “do but normal then do you mad enough for the birthday circle” sentiment. Football seems to be a serious enough business to consider. So dress accordingly.

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