Viola Holt: I magnetized after coming into contact with a vaccine | stars
“A friend I haven’t seen in a long time came over for coffee,” Viola wrote on Facebook. “She takes nail scissors out of her purse and puts them on her chest. To my surprise, the scissors stick. ‘Violin, I’m magnetic,'” she says.
The announcer does not understand, because her friend is not vaccinated. “I’ll try it with my own scissors…I’m also magnetised.”
According to Viola, this is due to the fact that she was in contact with a vaccinated person. “I once watched a video where this happens in people who have been vaccinated. There are those who say that a vaccinated can infect the unvaccinated. Well, I only hugged two people who were vaccinated, otherwise I kept a safe distance. I don’t judge, but I don’t understand. Strange is not it? “
complete nonsense
Does vaccination make people magnetized? “Clear nonsense,” says virologist Stephen Van Guchte Importance Limburg. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain purely biological molecules. (…]There is no metal or iron in it. This has absolutely nothing to do with magnetism. Just as the contents of the milk jar are biological and not magnetic, so is the vaccine. But these theories fit the story of Covid jab being a tracker device or contain a slide.
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