Dream trip to America: What is the right age for kids?

Dream trip to America: What is the right age for kids?

A tour of the United States has been high on our list for years. Driving through the southern states with kids, from Seattle to San Diego, or around the Great Lakes is a dream come true. The country is huge and you need a few weeks of travel for all these dreams. Especially if you want to experience all the nature, megalomaniacal cities and amazing food cultures in optimal form. You prepare such a trip well and most importantly: make sure that the children have a good time. Is such a long trip with children possible? Of course, but it is important to choose a company that has experience in organizing family trips and adapts the trip to the age of the children. Because kids are the perfect age to take your dream trip through America, or it’s unforgettable Vacation Canada? We respond.

Best age

The answer is really simple: there is no better age to take your dream trip. You know your children and yourselves as a family better than anyone when it’s ‘in the moment’. Our daughters are now four and six. Since they’ve both been on long flights, used to other cultures, spend a lot of time in cars and both already speak fluent English, I think they’re ready for a workout. Family Vacation USA. Of course, travel is on the condition that three essential requirements are met:

  1. Enough time and space to play
  2. Going to places where they are welcome
  3. Good sleeping options for families
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It may seem a bit elaborate, but if our children have a field to run around in, a plate of pasta or chips to eat and we have a cozy family bungalow or hotel room; Are they happy? So are we! So, we definitely plan to plan our dream trip to America with a travel agency that knows where families are well taken care of.

Dream trip America

Friendly people

Good to know that Americans are friendly, helpful and hospitable. Communicating with locals in countries like France can sometimes be difficult (especially if you speak little or no French), but in the US this is not a problem. Americans are proud that you are visiting their beautiful country and will do everything in their power to make you and your children happy. Americans, on the other hand, are used to a high level of respect. Explain to the children that frequent use of words like ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ is very common here.

Best travel time

The best travel time for a dream trip to America with kids depends on the route you take and your personal preferences. Summers are very hot in states like Texas, Nevada and Arizona. Don’t your kids love it? It is better to visit these places in spring. In summer, places like Montana, Oregon and Washington are very pleasant. Add this to your itinerary. Can’t figure it out yourself? Please consult your travel agent or travel agency.

In short: take good care of your family. Don’t ask yourself: ‘What have I always wanted to see?’, but ‘What is fun as a family on holiday’. Get to know and enjoy!

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Top Image: Via Irwin McFarland Unsplash

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