Channel traded Helmond to the United States and Portugal

Channel traded Helmond to the United States and Portugal

Take your bags and go to the wider world: one should not think about it, for the other it is a dream. So exchanged Channel Hindholder (30) In search of adventure in his native port of Helmand, to the United States and then to Portugal. “Moving to the United States went smoothly, but apply for a visa; God, how long is this process!”

The channel had a long relationship with the United States before moving to the United States in 2017. “I traveled regularly to Florida, Puerto Rico and New York for vacations and to see friends,” he says. “In high school, I even thought of getting mine High school One year in the United States. That never happened. ”

To the United States

Eventually, the channel even got a boyfriend in the US. “Before I went to the United States, we were used to traveling long distances for a year and a half. I know the language, the culture and the people. So it made sense that I would get there.

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Helmet under foreign countries
Chanel (left) with her husband (right). Photo: Chanel Hinderholzer

Moving to the US went smoothly, but it took a lot of patience for the channel to apply for a visa. “We wanted to do it without a lawyer because my situation was relatively simple. But God, how long is the process! I had to apply a year before I left. After coming to the United States, we had 90 days to get married, and then one more year to get mine. Became Green card Received. You are not allowed to leave the country or work at that time. It’s been a tough year! “

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Towards Portugal

After a few years in the United States, Chanel and her husband were ready for a new adventure. “We researched which countries we would like to live in. That’s how we came to Portugal. We both had never been there before, so we thought it would be a fun challenge. They left the United States in May 2021. “After four months in Portugal, we knew we wanted to stay. We last returned to the United States to sell our wares, and in December we moved to Portugal permanently.

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“There are so many countries I still want to live in!” Photo: Chanel Hinderholzer

Tired? not at all!

The channel is not nervous at all about going abroad. “My goal: ‘Why not? ‘ If you get the chance for such a great adventure, you should go for it. I also know that I can always go to the Netherlands if I do not like it.

The channel will recommend anyone going abroad. “Choose the same! Do it without thinking too much about it. This is not always easy and you will encounter a lot of things. But you learn a lot from it!


What has the channel missed so much about Helmond? Filet American from Butcher Shop Swingles! “It’s so delicious! I miss my family and friends too. I try to go to Helmand once a year. Now we live a little closer, it might be more. But the channel’s return to its own port is questionable.” We like it here. In addition, there are many countries where we want to live for a while in the future! ”

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Now you!

Have you moved Helmond to Italy, Aruba, Mexico or a completely different country? Or do you know Helmond who has been living elsewhere for a while? Email to [email protected] Maybe you will see yourself on our site soon!

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