Anouk exits The Voice: ‘Corrupt Gang’ |  Television

Anouk exits The Voice: ‘Corrupt Gang’ | Television

“Well, what a mess of it all. How incredibly sad and disappointing,” she began the statement in a video. “I have to tell you frankly that I didn’t say anything. I actually wanted to wait for next Thursday’s episode of BOOS. But now that I’ve seen a number of statements from before, among others, Jeroen Rietbergen and also after a few phone calls I’ve had with certain people… yeah, in Actually I know enough,” she says.

It also derives its conclusions from it. “And I’ve decided I don’t want to go back to The Voice. It’s just a rotten mob. I don’t want to work in a place where men abuse their position and where they deliberately choose to keep quiet and look the other way. Yes, that’s not really possible, it’s not possible. So. You really have a structural problem. That’s not who I am right now. I don’t want to be a part of that. So I want to tell you that I’m not going back to The Voice of Holland,” she says in the video, which has been viewed more than twenty thousand times in half a century. hour. She gets support from Jamai Loman and Dennis van der Geest.


Anouk is the first coach to take part in the program and take a set distance. Waylon reacted in shock on Saturday, but basically said he hadn’t done anything himself. Glenys Grace was a new coach, which is why he indicated that he doesn’t know anything about it. Presenter Chantal Janzin also said he was shocked and that “the cornerstone must be lifted” in the independent investigation promised by RTL.

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RTL canceled its broadcast on Saturday the sound After allegations of sexually aggressive behaviour. This was stated by program maker Tim Hoffman, who will assign them a broadcast of his series BOOS on YouTube next Thursday. Bandleader in the sound Then on Saturday afternoon Jeroen Rietbergen admitted the allegations and submitted his resignation. There is a complaint against Ali B. He himself denies these allegations. employment telegraph He indicated that he is cooperating with police investigations.

RTL declined to comment further on the news.

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