Large set of investments by Biden Senate

Large set of investments by Biden Senate

Good news for US President Joe Biden. He was able to get his huge infrastructure investments through the US Senate. The package will not be less than 470 billion euros. A milestone for Biden, says reporter John Postma.

“The whole plan is not there now, but the fact that he was able to take this step is really an achievement. If you look at the last few years, it is very difficult to reach a compromise because the extreme wings of both sides are dragging things. Now they are staying together at the helm of the White House,” Postma said.

Now is the time for the next phase: the House of Representatives. There are some other important points that complicate it, Postma says. In addition to this plan, Democrats have another plan that focuses on social security. It is more expensive than the infrastructure package and the Democrats want to get it through the House of Representatives with some sort of trick. For example, President Nancy Pelosi noted that if you do not want to vote for one proposal you do not want to vote for another. There will be a fight in the House of Representatives. ‘

Sharp contradictions

In Washington, it is hoped that sharp tensions between Republicans and Democrats will slowly subside. Postma says, ‘It will be interesting to see how this develops and whether it will be the same next time. “Some say Trump’s influence over Pitton’s victory is waning, but it may be different next week.”

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According to Postma, success is related to the topic of discussion: infrastructure. “The United States is really stagnant and very outdated when it comes to infrastructure. There have been cuts in the maintenance of bridges and roads for years and many places still do not have fast internet.”

Ask again | The Senate approves Pitton’s infrastructure plans

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