15,000 to 62,500: Why Biden is suddenly allowing more refugees

15,000 to 62,500: Why Biden is suddenly allowing more refugees

US President Joe Biden announced yesterday that 62,500 refugees will be welcomed into the United States this year. This decision was taken after severe criticism from aid organizations.

“reflective values”

Biden said the maximum number of 15,000 refugees “does not reflect the values ​​of a nation that welcomes and supports refugees.” According to the president, this is an important decision. It can remove doubts about refugees “who are anxiously waiting for the moment when their new life can begin.”

This is for people living in conflict zones who obtain a residence permit while still living outside the United States. So it’s not about refugees traveling from Mexico to America. People who arrive at the US border and apply for asylum end up in a different system.

An elusive goal this year

Biden added that the “sad reality” is that 62,500 will not be reached this year. “We are working hard to repair the damage done over the past four years,” Biden said. For many Democrats, that still isn’t enough. Former President Barack Obama received 110,000 refugees annually.

The United States plans to accept 125,000 refugees next year.

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