11 tips against mosquitoes in your bedroom

11 tips against mosquitoes in your bedroom

Mosquito on the skin.

It’s three in the morning. That annoying buzz keeps you awake and you’re done. I swear, you turn on the light, grab the fly swatter from the bedside table and go hunting for mosquitoes. Is this recognizable and do you want to do something about it once and for all? How do you get rid of mosquitoes in your bedroom!

Where do mosquitoes go?

Why are you always being pricked and your partner isn’t? Unfortunately, science cannot yet answer this question. But it’s really true, mosquitoes depend – in addition to heat and light – on body odor. So you smell so good. Or you have sweaty feet, this is also possible. If you are alone, there is no escape, but if you are in the company of a mosquito, the mosquito will choose the person with the strongest body odor.

Can you influence your body odor? Showering with strong-smelling shower gel or perfume spray seems pointless, or at least for a very short time. The fragrance comes from within. Plus, you exhale carbon dioxide, which mosquitoes love. You can also forget about citronella candles and essential oils. Well, it’s all well and good. But what works against chasing mosquitoes from your bedroom? Read on for 11 tips that will help you. This is how you chase away mosquitoes!

Read also: Heat and showers ensure mosquitoes.


Use a mosquito repellent spray

Anti-mosquito spray is not very healthy for you, but for a few weeks a year and if used properly it certainly won’t hurt. Moreover, a bottle of DEET is perfect to take with you or keep on your bedside table. Do you encounter such a monster at night? Squirt a little in the right direction and it instantly breathes its last. The downside is that these chemical treatments only work where you spray or rub them.

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Repel mosquitoes with plants

Mosquitoes don’t like the smell of lavender, lemon, rosemary, mint, or catnip. The advantage of lavender is that not only does it help repel mosquitoes, but it also ensures that you sleep better! You don’t have lavender at home, but you do have mint or catnip leaves? Then rub mint leaves on your skin or spread catnip juice on your bare body parts and mosquitoes love to fly around the block. Unlike the use of DEET, the use of herbal is safe and not harmful to your health. Perfect replacement!


Put screens on windows and doors

It’s a slightly open door, but if you really don’t want mosquitoes in your bedroom, it’s best to keep the windows closed. This is of course not realistic, because you want your bedroom to be well ventilated. With mosquito nets on windows and doors, you can let the air through in summer while mosquitoes stay out. useful!


Repel mosquitoes with a mosquito net

The mosquito net is an extension of the solution with insect screen. This protects your bed from all mosquitoes. Make sure your mosquito net is long and large enough, so that your feet are also protected and mosquitoes cannot fly under the net. The size of the holes is also important. The point, of course, is not that small mosquitoes can fly through the net and bite you.

Mosquitoes, Photo: JEROEN/JUMELET

Mosquitoes, Photo: JEROEN/JUMELET


Fight mosquitoes with a mosquito stopper

Mosquito stopper is cheap and effective. The vaporizer releases a liquid that kills mosquitoes in the bedroom. And this is how it works. The anti-mosquito stopper consists of a liquid bottle and a plug vaporizer. You are totally chasing away mosquitoes!

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Take a mosquito lamp for the bedroom

Complete your “Mosquito Control Kit” with a mosquito lamp. The mosquito lamp’s blue light attracts mosquitoes and the UV light electrocutes unwanted guests once they get close to the net. Just an investment, but then you’re really fighting mosquitoes.

Also read: You can do this to prevent yourself from getting pierced.


Use an electric fly swatter

Indispensable, such an easy-to-use electronic fly swatter. Where a mosquito senses a flow of air with an old-fashioned fly swatter and thus flees before you have a chance to strike it, it doesn’t see it coming. Did you also know that if you approach a mosquito slowly, the mosquito will not realize that you are approaching it? Success is hereby guaranteed! And … the dirty spots on the wall won’t bother you.


Turn on the fan in your bedroom

Mosquitoes can’t stand the airflow of a fan or air conditioner and will blow up as a result. Plus, your room will stay nice and cool during the hot summer months. This is how you kill two mosquitoes with one stone!


Fill the pond and clean the gutter

Mosquitoes love open water. The pond in the garden, the rain barrel and the standing water in the gutter are real theme parks for them. So be sure to drain the water, close the pond and turn the empty flower pots upside down. Goodbye bloody friends.


Put on pajamas

Long, thin nightgowns are a great way to keep mosquitoes off your body in the summer. Linen, for example, is nice and breathable, which keeps you cool and reduces mosquito bites. also you have bedding Stays fresh and clean for longer!

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Vitamin B

Applying vitamin B patches or taking vitamin B tablets seems to help kill mosquitoes. The idea behind this is that vitamin B changes your body odor so that it is no longer attractive to mosquitoes. Although there is no scientific evidence, there are plenty of people who take advantage of it and keep mosquitoes out of the bedroom. Bring the grilled meat and those delicious sweets and sandwiches. Yes, brewer’s yeast also contains a lot of B vitamins. You can try it, of course.

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