Would you react more strongly to the vaccine if I was already infected (unnoticed)?

Would you react more strongly to the vaccine if I was already infected (unnoticed)?

Headache, malaise, muscle aches, fatigue, chills, fever, joint pain, and nausea: these are it The side effects of different Corona vaccines Most common by far the Lareb Side Effects Center. In some people, it’s as if they all introduce themselves at the same time and they last for days.

Strong response

They are regularly told that they may have contracted the Coronavirus without their knowledge. Because its side effects are reminiscent of a strong reaction that a vaccine can induce in people who have previously tested positive and are known to have had the infection.

Research published last month actually appears to indicate side effects among previously infected people They occur significantly more often Compared to people without coronavirus: 89 to 46 percent. Side effects were also more severe in the first group. Fatigue was most commonly reported, followed by headache, chills, muscle aches, fever, and joint pain.

No hospitalization

Two important caveats: Study participants received vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna, both of which are made using relatively new mRNA technology. Side effects may vary in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca (Janssen vaccine was not in use at the time of the study). The second point: No one experienced side effects so severe that they were taken to hospital. So it was most about being away from home.

“It is known that people who are already infected can react strongly to the first vaccination and are more likely to experience side effects,” says Ben van der Zejst, professor emeritus in vaccine development. He attributes this to a “very high antibody response”, which is more effective than other people.

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In people who have already been infected, these side effects can be more powerful after the second vaccination. “There is some concern about that,” says van der Zejst. “It is not without reason that the Health Council recommends that people who have already contracted the Coronavirus be vaccinated only once.”

Super well protected

The antibody response is ten to thirty times higher in people known to have been infected. Van der Zejst says that after one shot, they were “very well protected”. The point is, of course: Health Board advice to limit a single dose applies to people who do They have tested positive less than six months ago. But what if you never got tested and caught the virus without knowing it?

That remains a problem, van der Zejst says. Ideally, you can check people for antibodies before having an injection.

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