World’s fastest roller coaster shuts down after broken bones |  Abroad

World’s fastest roller coaster shuts down after broken bones | Abroad

The huge roller coaster, which can reach a speed of 180 kilometers per hour in just two seconds, is said to have left traces on four passengers between December 2020 and August 2021. Upon acceleration, the passengers will have to withstand forces of about 3 grams.

Mainly neck and spine fractures have been identified. Thus, the highest attraction at the foot of Mount Fuji is temporarily closed for investigation by order of the authorities. “We are investigating whether there is a link between cracks and gravity,” the park said. So far, no contact has been established.”

The breaches emerged when the park raised reports of passenger injuries with the Ministry of Infrastructure. According to the park, in at least one case, it turned out that a woman was not properly seated in the car, causing it to vibrate significantly on a track of more than one kilometer.

The park has a reputation for supporting the most terrifying and challenging coasters. In 2011, Takabisha opened, the world’s most powerful roller coaster with a vertical section of 50 metres, followed by a sharp bend that puts the neck muscles to the test.

The Do-Dodonpa is not the world’s fastest top speed roller coaster. This honor goes to Formula Rossa in Abu Dhabi (UAE): 240 kilometers per hour.

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