Why do we eat so much?  – NPO Radio 1

Why do we eat so much? – NPO Radio 1

We know that a bag of chips or a cheeseburger is unhealthy. But resisting temptation is not that easy. Holland is getting heavier. This brings other problems. Why don’t we always stop when we’ve had enough? Why do we like food so much?

Until a few hundred years ago, people could hardly count on eating again the next day: “Every meal could be your last at the moment, we had to multiply. Survival of the fittest may have been Survive obesity: Those who can find the best food, those who can eat the food as quickly as possible, those who can build up better reserves, and those who have the greatest chance of survival.

Professor of Nutrition and Pharmacology Ranger Whitcamp explains focus. In addition to his work at Wageningen University, he is also involved with Stichting Voedings Leeft, where he views lifestyle intervention as a treatment.

We eat machines. It is an initial desire

This lack of food for most of our history is our plight as well. “We now live in what is called an obesity environment,” says Whitcamp. “There is food that is continuous, we are constantly being seduced, and our biology cannot handle it. Our DNA remains the same, and we are actually eating machines. It is a very basic engine: eat, eat, eat. Primitive impulse.”

Do not slide down but rather chew

How do you slow these eating machines a little, so that they don’t become circular? “I am convinced that mouth feel is very important. The amount of chewing movements is a very strong indication of what you have.” So be careful with food you don’t have to chew: “Look at junk food – it slips. Then the brain receives fewer signals. You can eat more of it, and it takes longer for it to be full.”

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The only thing you can change is your diet and lifestyle, Witkamp says. This should be a change that works for you, and also for your environment. “A kid who has to lose weight while parents sit in front of the TV with chips and beer every night, has no chance.”

Surgical intervention

Witkamp recommends small steps and a long-term focus, but that also remains tough. Because this temptation is still … “You have to take it seriously. Sometimes I say to the doctors: It’s as complex as surgery. It’s a treatment, a lifestyle change that goes against your basic desire. And against the environment. It’s possible but very difficult.”

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