West Flanders above: One municipality without a STEM academy in 2020

West Flanders above: One municipality without a STEM academy in 2020

West Flanders above: One municipality without a STEM academy in 2020

After reaching a record in 2020 in 221 municipalities with the STEM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Flemish Minister of Economics, Innovation and Science Policy Hilde Krivitz provides new ways to organize a STEM Academy in every Flemish municipality. A support budget of € 500,000 has been provided for the new 2021 support call.

The goal is to increase interest in science and technology among the population. “These are unseen times: We face enormous challenges at the economic, scientific and social level. It is very important that young people everywhere in Flanders be able to discover a passion for technology and science,” she says.

West Flanders above

In 2020 Antwerp had 41 STEM academies, Limburg 24 and East Flanders 56. West Flanders performed remarkably well, according to the numbers, with only one municipality without a STEM academy, Blankenberge.

The City of Blankenberg is responding

The city maintains that this information is not completely correct. In collaboration with Howest, Blankenberge has been organizing the Academy of Sciences for years, which use the same principle and strive to achieve the same goals.

However, due to Corona’s actions, the initiative cannot proceed as planned in 2020. “As soon as possible, we will start over with the Academy of Sciences and in cooperation with Howest,” says Sandra Demoliner, Director of Safety and Community Service in the city of Blankenberg.

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