“We are now approaching everything more sustainably.”

“We are now approaching everything more sustainably.”

Gold Olympians Élodie Ouédraogo and Olivia Borlée from fashion label Unrun 4254 launched a recycling collaboration and teach you how to wear your old clothes.

Tyne Zwenboel

The group goes against the trend. Where did the switch come from?

Elodie: “We just can’t keep up with the pace of fashion anymore. Launching a collection every season isn’t just crazy, it’s pure waste too. Since the pandemic, we’ve taken a slower, more sustainable approach to everything. We’ve switched to two collections a year and also wanted to do something meaningful with the inventory. Plus. This is how we reached out to Reconstruct, a fashion group in Amsterdam made up of three women who share our vision. With all our leftovers, they have now designed nine custom-made looks, while supplies last.”

As part of this launch, are you also organizing a recycling workshop at the Antwerp Fashion Museum?

“Right. On May 3, participants can learn how to wear an old shirt with the ladies from Reconstruct. In addition, they also receive practical tips for restoring or giving a second life to their discarded clothes.”

Olivia Burley and Elodie Ouedraogo.  RV . picture

Olivia Burley and Elodie Ouedraogo.RV . picture

As a fashion lover, are you also trying to shop more sustainably?

“Nowadays, I buy more consciously and also more second-hand stuff. Although I always used to have the best piece of the season, now I prefer to invest in timeless and quality pieces that I can wear for years. Although I sometimes succumb to bragging.”

Short jacket, €200, corset €175, and pants €395, unrun4254.com

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