Watch “The Great Eclipse” live here

Watch “The Great Eclipse” live here

A total solar eclipse will be visible in America (US), Canada and Mexico on Monday. People are talking about“The Great American Eclipse”. In the United States, people have been talking and writing about this special natural phenomenon for weeks. It does not happen often that the Moon comes directly in front of the Sun and blocks the sunlight for a short period of time.

In the Netherlands there is nothing to see from the solar eclipse in America. But the digital age has its advantages. Two employees Weather Plaza They are coincidentally on vacation in the United States and will share their experiences via live broadcast on YouTube. So you don't have to miss anything about this special event.

Read also: Solar eclipse is also bad news at this time.

Solar eclipse in America (live broadcast)

From what time can a solar eclipse be seen? If meteorologists' calculations are correct, the solar eclipse (America) will begin around 5:42 pm (Dutch time). There's not much to see yet, because the shadow falls mainly over the Pacific Ocean. The eclipse can be seen on Earth at around 8:07 pm (Dutch time). It will get dark for a few minutes over the west coast of Mexico, and then in Dallas (USA), Indianapolis (USA) and Montreal (Canada).

In total, the moon will be in front of the sun for approximately 4 minutes and 28.1 seconds. The Great American Eclipse will end around 9:55pm (Dutch time). You can follow the total solar eclipse in America via the live broadcast below. Our advice is to run the live stream in the background, so you don't miss a moment. The great thing is that you don't need special glasses for a solar eclipse. previous president Donald Trump believes that such glasses are unnecessaryHe looks directly at the sun. Maybe that's why he gets so many headaches, or is it because all those lawsuits are giving him headaches?

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Later this year, on October 2, there will also be a total solar eclipse in southern Chile and Argentina. The last time a total solar eclipse – like the one that occurred in America – was seen in the Netherlands in May 1715. When will a total solar eclipse appear in the Netherlands again? This will not happen until 2135, which is evidence of how rare such an eclipse is.

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