Wanted: Sports Editor-in-Chief for Het Belang van Limburg Editors

Wanted: Sports Editor-in-Chief for Het Belang van Limburg Editors

What we need is someone who is really obsessed with fast and good sports journalism, both online and in the papers. Someone who is passionate about sports. Someone who feels called to edit and handle all sporting events in the editorial team, along with an enthusiastic team. Someone who believes and loves to contribute to Het Belang van Limburg and HBvL.be, Limburg’s largest news outlet.

Why exactly? I was bitten by a sports bug and mastered the Dutch language perfectly. She loves to tackle a wide range of sports and give it a proper place on the website and in the newspapers. So you are also fully up to date with the latest technologies and platforms. The approaching deadline does not make you shiver.

What does the task involve? You work mainly in the evening and then take care of the final editing of the sports pages of the newspaper, reading the articles submitted by our journalists and ensuring that they are provided with all visual material.

You are also responsible for preparing the text, images, videos and graphics on the website, which you manage with the team and constantly update. So the digital world does not hold any secrets for you.

In short, you are an important player in everything related to sport in Het Belang van Limburg, both for the newspaper and for the website.

What’s on your resume is important, but it’s by no means the only thing we give importance to. It is at least necessary that you have a passion for journalism and a desire to gain experience (first) as an editor-in-chief in sports editors. This way you can actually prove yourself to a potential permanent editorial job!

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What you will get back is…

• Opportunity to gain editorial experience.

• In one of the ten most attractive employers in Belgium (Employer Brand Research Randstad 2021);

• Opportunity for internal mobility within a large media group with strong brands in Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland and Luxembourg.

• An inspiring and modern work environment.

• Lots of great colleagues who make your work even more fun;

• And not unimportant: Attractive bonus.

You can apply online here

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