Vorborgs Dagblad |  Peter Oytenbogaard Teacher of the Year 2023

Vorborgs Dagblad | Peter Oytenbogaard Teacher of the Year 2023

Peter Uittenbogaard, an economics teacher at Sint Maarten College in Vorburg, was named Teacher of the Year 2023. Uittenbogaard stands for “craftsmanship” and “desires to make students world-wise,” according to the jury report. The award was presented on Teacher’s Day by VVD Education Minister Mariel Bull.

In response, Peter said: “I think it is an honour, and I will do my best to be a good ambassador for secondary education.” Uittenbogaard was nominated in the Secondary Education category along with Sandra Damhuis (Portium College) and Joost van Soest (Marais College).

The Teacher of the Year elections are organized every year by the Teacher of the Year Foundation. The Teacher of the Year is an ambassador of the profession, enthusiastic and passionate. He is a person who actively contributes to the development of quality education. Who does something special in class and gets the best results from the students. It is also active outside of it, for example in an educational network. Someone who makes their voice heard in a blog or article, or mentors fellow novices.

Peter is 43 years old and has been in the classroom for nearly twenty years. He attended Alfrink College in Zoetermeer and studied economics and law at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In addition to teaching, he writes about political and economic development in the United States.
“I am proud and honored that a member of the Martens team has won this prestigious educational award,” says Martins College President, Ajoult Alsackers. “Peter is a classical teacher. A critical teacher who strives for perfection in his lessons and puts the student first.”

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Teachers, school leaders, educational (support) staff as well as students and parents can register a tutor; Uittenbogaard was nominated by a student and his mother. “He really cares and his influence extends beyond just the economics profession – he also thinks and helps on a personal level,” explains the parents’ motivation.

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