vibrating?  Dakota Johnson from Fifty Shades can do more with her

vibrating? Dakota Johnson from Fifty Shades can do more with her

Dakota Johnson Not just a star actress in movies like Stranger fifty shadesSeries: She is also creative in real life. She knows how to improve the use of the device even more. So she’s especially proud of her rockers, according to an interview with Marie Claire. She uses this device on her face.

The interviewer met Dakota at a hotel, where she is being prepared for the MET party by a whole team of people. For example, Dakota also uses a vibrator on her face to allow moisture to dry faster. It improves the complexion and thus ensures a well-groomed appearance. The regular makeup artist also swears by the same rocker from Maude, the wellness company Dakota promotes.

“It’s not for your face, but it works really well”Dakota says rationally.

It’s a day full of people waiting for her or working for her. The film team will record the final dress-up preparations. With her dry comic signature, Dakota asks:
“Wouldn’t it be nice to stay here? A quiet dinner downstairs?”

crotch hole
They are too late in their schedule. After all the preparations, Dakota picks up in a black lace bodysuit, by Gucci—another brand that has been associated with her name for years. She is wearing an elegant purple abaya. Dakota looks elegant, quirky and above all incredibly sexy.

Soon after hitting a crowded elevator with people staring at her silently, she panicked:
“I have a hole in the crotch! The size of a finger.”

Realizing her suggestive words, an aide checked her crotch. Women react rationally: “It’ll be fine. As long as you don’t dance.”
They all laugh.

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Dakota is currently appearing in Cha Cha Real Smooth And the Persuade. The article in Marie Claire with a picture of Dakota in her clothes is over here.

Marie Claire’s Instagram message below.

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