US aviation back on track: The largest number of passengers since March 2020 |  Currently

US aviation back on track: The largest number of passengers since March 2020 | Currently

Airports in the United States handled nearly 1.36 million passengers on Friday, the highest number since March 15 last year. The growing number of travelers indicates that the heavily affected aviation industry in the United States is slowly recovering from the Corona crisis thanks to vaccinations against COVID-19.

These numbers come from the State Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which checks travelers at US airports. The Corona pandemic and closures against the Corona outbreak have severely impacted US airlines, with billions of dollars in losses. In the past year, the number of travelers in the United States has decreased by 60 percent, but as more Americans are being vaccinated, reservations are on the rise, too.

And the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the aviation umbrella group, also announced last week that confidence among would-be travelers is slowly growing again. A poll found that 57 percent of those surveyed expect to be able to travel again within two months. Last September, that proportion was 49 percent. Confidence is growing as the world is slowly being vaccinated against COVID-19.

Despite rising passenger numbers and increased confidence, the full recovery in US aviation is still far from reality, with passenger numbers still 38 percent less than they were before the Corona outbreak.

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