US ambassador tastes hair salon in Rotterdam: 'It was delicious!'  – Advertisement Rotterdam |  Heavenloots

US ambassador tastes hair salon in Rotterdam: 'It was delicious!' – Advertisement Rotterdam | Heavenloots


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ROTTERDAM – Shebali Rustan Dugal has been the US ambassador to the Netherlands for about a year and a half. On his Twitter account, you can follow how he is enjoying discovering our country. However, she didn't do the most important thing yet: eat at a hair salon in Rotterdam!

This week it happened. From the US Embassy in Wassenaar, Razdan Duggal visited the birthplace of the hair salon. At El Aviva in Scheidamsevec, hairdresser Nathaniel 'Dottie' Gomez once asked for a meal with all the ingredients he wanted: fries, shawarma, cheese and salad. Tatti died last year, but his invention is gaining more and more popularity.

Who knows, even the White House. Because Ambassador Rustan Dugal is very enthusiastic. El Aviva is known as 'Iconic'. She was 'excited' to taste Rotterdam's most famous dish. What was she thinking? 'That was delicious!'

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