Trump’s true social app is available on iOS

Trump’s true social app is available on iOS

Since Donald was banned from all major social networks, including Twitter and Facebook, the former US president has said he will bring his own social network. Well, today, on Presidents Day, Truth Social was officially launched. I mean, this app is now available for several hours on the Apple App Store, so you know Reuters To report. Social networking is not working properly yet. For example, https is not certified. All information shared on the network, including usernames and passwords, is, in principle, easily captured.

Error messages and no https

If you really want to visit the social networking site, you will now see only one error message – Error 1020, access denied. I don’t know if it exists all over the world and for everyone. I have tried myself at least several times in Chrome and Safari and Firefox, but so far I have not received more than the aforementioned error message, so access was denied. As an explanation, it states that the Internet uses security protocol to prevent cyber attacks.

Waiting lists

In the United States, the new social network sometimes seems to work, but not always and certainly not without problems. Some users see vague error messages. When others want to register, they receive a notification that they will be placed on a waiting list due to high demand.

With Trump, of course, you should always ask yourself how close those statements are to the truth. We all remember that a lot of visitors came during his inauguration. According to Trump and his team, the turnout so far has been high. Photos of previous opening ceremonies still made many viewers clearly even with the naked eye. Trump often has his own – alternative – truth. In this regard, it is good that he calls his own social network “Trumps Truth”, but this aside.

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Photo: Darren Holstead By Unsplash

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