Tim Hoffman says goodbye to Kiki and Patrick in an emotional episode

Tim Hoffman says goodbye to Kiki and Patrick in an emotional episode

While vacationing in Thailand with her parents and sister, 14-year-old Kiki suddenly fell ill. In the hospital in Bangkok on July 24, 2019, an unexpected diagnosis was made: Kiki turned out to have liver cancer with metastases in her lungs. On the February 23 episode, it appears that Kiki also has metastases to her spine. Then she went on vacation to Renesse with her family, but then quickly descended. Kiki died on July 14, 2021. “Who would have thought that this fate would befall you,” her mother said at the funeral. “I can’t help but be proud of you, Cake, for the way you handled this. Get ready and move on. You’ve never complained in the past two years. Better than anyone else I’ve said.”

Despite her diagnosis, Kiki decided not to give up and check as much as possible from her group menu. For example, she married her best friend. I also thought it important to decorate her jar and coffin. “If that happens, you better make it a sweet moment.”

Tim also says goodbye to Patrick in the episode, who chose euthanasia because he didn’t want to suffer long and wanted to go “like Patrick.” Adventurer Patrick lives in Aruba in the year 2019 with his great love Tippi and son Norwin when he suffers from mysterious bowel complaints. Back in Holland, the first thought was a spastic colon due to the stress surrounding the move to Aruba. Several investigations followed, and on June 17, 2019, Patrick was informed that he had colon cancer. It appears that metastases can be cured after the first operation in which Patrick had an orifice. But further research shows it is a very rare cancer that affects only 1% of people. A tumor in his abdomen can cause a fatal abnormality in his intestines at any time, and thus it is difficult to predict.

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Earlier, it was explained how Patrick and his wife had a conversation with the so-called SCEN doctor who has to assess whether there is unbearable and hopeless suffering. “If things go the way I want them to, at some point I will say, ‘I want euthanasia that day,'” Patrick said earlier. Euthanasia occurs five days after consulting a doctor. According to his brother Antoine, Patrick is ready. “The cake is gone,” he told Tim. “He can’t do that anymore.” “You just see he’s ready and that gives everyone peace of mind.”

Patrick passed away on October 26, 2020 at the age of 32, or in his own words: he traveled to a new portal in his life.

On My Body It can be watched every Wednesday at 9.30pm on BNNVARA on NPO 1. Watch last Wednesday’s episode here Back.

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