Ticks appear to be found in all types of plants, including short mowing weeds | Sciences
09 Jul 2022 om 10:11 | Update: 10 uur geleden
Zi ookIk ben gebeten door een teek: heb ik nu de ziekte van Lyme?
Ticks survive even from a robotic lawn mower
More than a quarter of ticks are found in short grass. Ticks are caught even in lawns that are maintained daily with an automated lawn mower. Since it now appears that you are in danger of being bitten by a tick anywhere in the garden, researcher and biologist Arnold van Villette warns: “The mantra we’ve used for years at Week of the Tick, ‘Check for ticks after a visit on green spaces.’ So certainly applies as well. on the garden.”
According to figures from the RIVM and the University of Wageningen, an average of 500,000 of the 1.5 million bites per year occur in the park. About one in five ticks carry Lyme disease, a disease that can manifest in joint, skin, nerve and heart problems.
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