This way you don't get caught up in overthinking

This way you don't get caught up in overthinking

Overthinking is the enemy of action. Thought and action are like yin and yang in balance to get the best and most consistent results. But if you do more than one, you give up the other. If an unthinking action goes well, it is likely luck. If you think too much, don't act. That's how I lost (like you.) here Reads) My fitness motivation. I solved this problem by thinking a little less and doing things again.

Two dimensions: science versus science

Fortunately, just as all personal distress needs solace, it turns out that I am not the only one fighting for the right to exist in both dimensions. The world of fitness has been divided into sciences in blanket terms for years, versus so-called Brother of knowledge. Science stands for proven methods because data, tests, and meta-analyses prove it. Brother of knowledge It stands for proven methods, because they worked for so-and-so too – which usually means: “That's how Arnold did it once.” Let's stick to: training based on science and training based on feeling. So, which is better?

I ask this question because it is the question that killed me. If one is better, choose that method to the exclusion of the other. Why would you even care about a worse way? However, I think the eternal dullness of life applies here too: balance. Like love on Tinder, fitness should have a natural flow. On intuition. Additionally, if it clicks, you have specific applications where you have to work hard with accurate information to maintain its effectiveness. “Optimal training” has as much to do with science as it does with emotions.

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Just think about it and make yourself very small for a moment. Like you, there are millions of people who read and experience the sports life. Many people like you and me are against this Conflicts We went up. The majority don't even manage to do 98% of a healthy lifestyle right: good sleep, stress management, valuable relationships, a healthy and consistent diet, training hard and recovering well. Then they start worrying about the 2% margin you gain by training optimally. Not to mention, they can no longer see the forest for all the trees, and like me, they lose motivation.

Find balance

However, I was lucky enough to enjoy training as well. So, even during the “no-stimulation months” I was training regularly three to four times a week. I only had a week or two every so often on. Besides, I ate like an idiot. I gained weight, which added to my depressed mood and aimless fitness existence. “I'll never be able to recreate what I looked like before, so why try?”

Now the switch is turned on again. I'm eating healthy again and training as usual. how? With a basic recipe of science, and some spice of feeling. These two forms of thinking about everything and “just training” live together in balance as well. If you do one more, you give up the other. For example, doing everything according to science can hinder your spontaneity, enjoyment, and motivation. Simply doing something will produce results that are far from ideal.

Scientific basis: improving your technique

Establishing an effective training method requires some basic principles. It is still modern In summary By notable men like Patroclus Korakakis, Milo Wolf, Ryan Burke, Jeff Nippard, and Brad Schoenfeld. You also have basic principles about density and… amount.

  1. 1. Choose movements that fully stretch the muscles you want to train (!). But really, make sure you get a good stretch. This seems to provide the most muscle growth.
  2. 2. Choose a pace of at least 2 to 8 seconds. Most of the (voluntary) play is in the eccentric part (eg: raising for 1 second, lowering for 5 seconds).
  3. 3. Choose a weight that you can control as best as possible, without compensating for other muscle groups or momentum. But also train as hard as you can.
  4. 4. Train in sets where you perform between 6 and 12-15 repetitions with the chosen weight.
  5. 5. Choose a volume of 10 to 30 sets per week for each muscle group.
  6. 6. Train hard: to or very close to muscle failure.
  7. 7. Make sure it's progressive Excess It happens over time: more reps with the same weight, the same reps with more weight, or more volume in the sets.
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Training by feeling:

Consistency is the key to successful and sustainable training. And your feeling is very important. Maybe the following instructions can help you.

  1. 1. Choose exercises that you enjoy and can perform well. Even if there are “better” exercises for muscle growth.
  2. 2. Choose the schedule or training method you prefer. I really like super sets, so I'm doing them again now. Optimized or not.
  3. 3. Take a day of rest if your body needs it. Your schedule won't slip, and it won't explode if you miss a day.
  4. 4. Your muscles won't melt like ice in the sun with a little cardio: Get creative with your training and do some HIIT exercises every now and then.
  5. 5. Don't feel obligated to follow a schedule, as long as you can apply scientific principles to some extent.
  6. 6. Train hard, whether it's a scientific measure or based on feeling.

And a final piece of advice, to sum up this article and finish it as well. Do what you enjoy, stick with it for the long haul, make adjustments where you find it necessary, and train as hard as you can. This will help you more than just continuing to think about everything and eventually blocking it. I guess what I wanted to say with this long story is: have fun and enjoy your training.

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