This is why more and more young people are getting Parkinson’s disease

This is why more and more young people are getting Parkinson’s disease

And how do you really know if you have it?

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a complex disease in which your brain controls your muscle movements less and less. Rarely, your brain cells can’t produce or stop producing dopamine. This is a substance with which parts of the brain communicate with each other. This can damage or even kill the cells in the black core of the brain. Signals are transmitted less and less, which causes more and more problems.

Parkinson’s complaints

It can suffer from sluggishness, stiffness, and vibration. But Parkinson’s disease also causes less obvious problems, such as slow thinking, mood swings, poor sleep, and pain or difficulty going to the toilet.

The first symptoms differ from person to person. It usually begins with a trembling hand, even when at rest. In addition, you will unconsciously make slower and smaller movements. Also, during a dream, your entire body may start to move.

More and more young people

Parkinson’s disease most often appears in people between the ages of 50 and 70, but it no longer affects only older adults. In fact, up to a third of patients are under 65 years of age. According to neurologist Bas Blume, the number of people in their 30s and 40s with Parkinson’s disease is increasing rapidly. “The overall growth is so big that we can talk about a pandemic,” he says. new† “It is the fastest growing brain disorder in the world. Parkinson’s It grows faster than, say, strokes or Alzheimer’s disease.”


What is the reason for that? On the one hand, we are getting older on average, but that’s not all. According to Bloom, air pollution and pesticides play a major role. Place Where do you live ? This has a significant impact on your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Many farmers who work or have worked with certain pesticides develop Parkinson’s disease, for example. This disease is common among grape growers in France, but even if you have nothing to do with farm life, you run the risk of exposure to pesticides. They are coming in our food fairly.

What can you do on your own?

Research has shown that athletes are often less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease. Their brains don’t shrink, while those of non-athletes do. In addition, sports create new branches between the damaged parts of the brain and the cerebral cortex: the brain adapts. Advice? Exercise for at least half an hour three times a week. And of course choose as much raw food as possible Wash fruits and vegetables carefully To avoid exposure to pesticides.

source: new

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