This is the harmful effect of sleep deprivation on your body

This is the harmful effect of sleep deprivation on your body

busy days, stressful weeks, and a busy schedule; It will probably look familiar to you. So it is not surprising that this can have an effect on the way you sleep. But, what are the effects of sleep deprivation actually on your body? And most importantly, what can you do about it?

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The effect of sleep deprivation on your body and mind

Sleep is not only pleasant, but also very important for your memory. Through good sleep you remember things better and during sleep your brain “recovers” so that you will be refreshed the next morning. In addition, you can think more clearly, remember more, be more accurate, make connections more easily, and be better able to make difficult decisions.

Being constantly tired does little for your body and mind and is therefore a minor puncher. For example, you may have problems concentrating. Long-term sleep deprivation can affect your immune system, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, dementia, and depression.

Experts talk about sleep deprivation if you’ve had sleep problems at least three times a week for at least three months. This may have something to do with how long you sleep, falling asleep, and staying asleep. Waking up (too) early also belongs on this list.

Sleep tips from the experts

Is recognition important here? Then you might want to do something about it. Fortunately, we’ve put together a number of tips for you (thanks Brain FoundationSleep deprivation can reduce it, or possibly even treat it.

  1. grab one sleep rhythm on me; Go to bed around the same time each night and get up around the same time. Try to sleep between 7 and 9 hours this way. In addition, you too sleep mode Important; We told you earlier that sleeping on your left side does wonders for your night’s sleep.
  2. Make sure to go during the day Daylight is enough And make your bedroom beautiful and dark at night.
  3. Maybe cliche, however take care of one Good mattress and good pillow. These two elements play an important role in supporting your body. In addition, the good combination of the mattress and the pillow allows your body to relax. Are you accidentally looking for a new pillow? We’re flipping these bamboo pillows from Action.
  4. Eat less Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine. These substances negatively affect the quality of your sleep. These foods can also have an effect.
  5. Maybe it’s not very pleasant to hear, but really try screens (eg phone and TV) an hour before bed. This way your brain relaxes. For example, read a good book or play a quiet audiobook. Also application like calmwith all kinds of bedtime stories and meditations, can help
  6. Do you worry a lot? Or are you under a lot of stress? Then consider going to talk with professional. This way you can give your worries a place and sleep better at night.
  7. Try one Body scan meditation. It looks floating, doesn’t it! With this easy meditation help yourself to relax. Study 2019 Mindfulness meditations, such as the body scan meditation, are shown to help improve the quality of your sleep. Check out the YouTube meditation below for a good video. Lie back, play the video and relax!
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