Half a million Brabant people are now fully vaccinated by GGD

Half a million Brabant people are now fully vaccinated by GGD

Vaccination Street XL in the Breepark Juvenile Hall in Breda (File Photo: GGD West-Brabant).

Half a million people of Brabant were fully vaccinated by GGD. An analysis by Omroep Brabant showed that the counter stood at 480,248 people at the end of last week. At the current record rate of stabs, that means she crossed half a million this week.

Profile photo of Raymond Merckx

The number of shots taken this week won’t be announced until next week. Furthermore, these numbers relate only to the injections administered by the three GGDs. Figures from general practitioners and hospitals, for example, are not included in this figure. In fact, the number of people fully vaccinated is even higher.

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The number of injections administered by GGDs continues to increase each week. On January 6, Vigil’s first jab was taken. Shortly thereafter, thousands of injections were taken weekly, and now it comes to close to two hundred thousand injections of Brabant per week.

View the graph of how many people in your area receive an injection each week or here In full screen mode.

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Just two weeks after your last vaccination, you are 60 to 90 percent protected depending on the vaccine. Outgoing Minister Hugo de Jong said everyone was supposed to have had their last shot by September. People born in 2001 and 2002 will have to schedule an injection on Friday.

Vaccination was also reflected in the infection numbers for weeks. The number of positive coronavirus tests in our county was down 46 percent last week from the previous week, according to figures released by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) on Tuesday. Last week, 1,367 cases of coronavirus were reported in Brabant. Last week there were 2,520.

View the trajectory of the number of infections since the outbreak in the graph or here In full screen mode.

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Tonight there will be another press conference on the vaccination status and anti-coronavirus measures. The press conference can be followed live from 7pm via Omroep Brabant’s website, app and TV.

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