There is no reason why Mercedes should not dominate the United States

There is no reason why Mercedes should not dominate the United States

According to Andrew Showlin, it is only after the first training sessions that one realizes how strong Mercedes must be. However, the technical director is not worried, he explains in front of others’ microphones RacingNews365. “It’s a completely different round (from Turkey, ed.), But it’s a round that we and Louis Hamilton are generally very strong at.

So Showlin expects Hamilton to have a better chance of winning. “You can overtake well and tire degradation also plays a role, which changes the dynamics during the race. However, there is no reason to think why we should not be strong in Austin. Despite the expectations, of course we prepared ourselves well.”

During the Grand Prix weekend in Turkey, Mercedes was very fast in dry and wet conditions. Red Bull and Max Verstappen were able to control the damage, but the W12 car is expected to be slightly faster than the Austrian racer’s RB16B in the upcoming races. However, Mercedes says they still have to work hard to bring down the red grass in the championship.

“The setup of the car is fine now, but we need to make sure it is back in the race,” Showlin said. The circuit of America has been the most beneficial circuit for Hamilton and Mercedes since the beginning of the hybrid era. Mercedes has won the quota five times in the last six races, four of which are named after Hamilton.

Valteri Potas, the former GP winner in the United States, expects a strong appearance in Austin as well. “Of course I don’t have a crystal ball, but everything is fine on paper,” he told various media outlets, including Hamilton’s teammate. RacingNews365. “At least we believe so. We will continue to work to ensure we are in a position to win the race.”

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