The woman stands in the middle of a police chase on McDrive

The woman stands in the middle of a police chase on McDrive

Last Tuesday, an American woman searched for a truck and tried to follow the GTA – thankfully she has plenty in the US – for a Joyride to McDonald’s – and of course there are plenty in the US.

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Police quickly caught up with her, partly thanks to the GPS tracker the truck owner had installed in his car. Unfortunately for him, it turned out to be a crazy driver, the car got a lot of teeth and scratches, because as soon as the officers approached the hungry driver, she got off at full speed. During the chase, the woman got into such a commotion by hitting everyone, that the police decided to slow down for a while and then track the car with the help of GPS tracker.

Grease snack

That moment came much sooner than the officers expected, because within five minutes of them abandoning the chase, Ms. became the nearest MacDrive to pass her order normally. Officers took advantage of the situation, rushed to the fast food compound faster than the express service, and handcuffed Ms McDriven before departure. She Happy eating Unfortunately it was not available.

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