The US has put an end to wholesale transfers of personal data

The US has put an end to wholesale transfers of personal data

On Wednesday, President Biden signed an executive order banning the bulk transfer of personal data from the United States. A country without GDPR introduces more measures than we have known in the EU for years. The American argument for the new rules is also very familiar.

Washington - The White HouseLegally, US citizens' personal data could be misused by individuals, companies and governments in other countries, it said. There, enrichment by data brokers can be used to identify Americans who work in journalism, politics, research institutions, defense, etc. Intelligence is also cited as a reason for this decision, prompting the Department of Justice and Homeland Security to further expand and ensure enforcement (bro)

Whitelist – Blacklist

Concerns about spying are justified. Everyone understands that Washington is making a move here. But the scope of this EO goes much further. It is hereby declared that the presence of data in certain countries may never be in order. The GDPR states that personal data of EU citizens will only be transferred to third countries with an “adequate level of protection” after consent.

Which countries are they? reality Can be found, it is a white list. Washington points to the arrival of a blacklist. The countries listed here are not permitted to receive PII at least in aggregate. Before signing, American journalists were already certain: Russia, Iran, North Korea and China were sure to be blacklisted. That's not really surprising.


What journalists haven't written about yet is the similarity with GDPR, because they haven't made the connection. The EU's privacy thinking was completely incomprehensible to many Americans. But if you look at what's happening in that country with this EO, the latest development, anyone familiar with GDPR will understand that America is moving in every direction.

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TikTok en co

This EO can be one of the tools to target specific companies. TikTok may be in trouble again or even more, but what about all the EV makers? These vehicles transmit large amounts of data and manufacturers must demonstrate that PII is not part of it.

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