The unpopular Kamala Harris could still win Biden the presidency

The unpopular Kamala Harris could still win Biden the presidency

international17 Mar 24 07:54Autor: Edit Web BNR

Now that Biden is the unofficial presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, the question is whether he will keep Kamala Harris as his running mate. Biden's popularity in itself is nothing to write home about, but the same applies to Vice President Harris, says US expert Quinn Petersen. “She is not a good vice president and is not very popular.”

The unpopular Kamala Harris could still win Biden the presidency

Biden himself suffers from one Approval rating By about 40 percent. He added: “For a president at this stage who wants to be re-elected, it is very low. “Based on those stats, he has no chance,” Petersen says. “But Donald Trump also has his limits, so he's not saying everything, but it's a sign that he really needs to get better.”

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This is where Kamala Harris could play a role. He added: “If he now reverses the decision to appoint Harris as his running mate, it actually shows that he made a mistake four years ago.” This is an embarrassment that Biden wants to avoid. This is despite the fact that she is “not a good vice president” according to Petersen and is also “very unpopular.”

the target audience

While Harris was specifically chosen to appeal to certain groups of voters. Four years ago, Biden and his campaign team chose her as their running mate because she appealed to women, especially women of color. “Biden really needs to engage those groups to win the presidential election, but they are turning away from him now,” he added. “Especially voters with racially diverse backgrounds,” Petersen said.

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US President Joe Biden delivers his third State of the Union address in the House Chamber of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA, March 07, 2024. Credit: Shawn Thew / Pool via CNP/AdMedia//Z-ADMEDIA_adm_030724_SOTU_CNP_148/Credit:CNP /AdMedia /SIPA/2403082032
US President Joe Biden delivers his third State of the Union address in the House Chamber of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA, March 07, 2024. Credit: Shawn Thew / Pool via CNP/AdMedia//Z-ADMEDIA_adm_030724_SOTU_CNP_148/Credit:CNP /AdMedia /SIPA/2403082032 (Afghan News Agency/Siba Presse France)

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