The science: frail older adults are often anxious and depressed after a hip fracture

The science: frail older adults are often anxious and depressed after a hip fracture

Whether an elderly person is weak at the time of a hip fracture largely determines whether an elderly person has symptoms of anxiety or depression in the following year. Weakness also predicts lower quality of life in the first year after a hip fracture.

Photo of a magnifying glass

These are some of the conclusions that orthopedic surgeon Marc Van de Rie drew in his thesis. Van de Re advocates more attention to the physical and mental state of a patient with a broken hip.

For example, he argues that this group should receive psychological support; This will have a positive effect on pain perception, rehabilitation, and fear of falling. At his Ph.D., Van de Rei also developed a decision aid that helps identify patients for whom it is good to discuss a conservative (not working) policy.

Vulnerable elderly people who experience a broken hip You should receive psychological support

Four points were found to be important: the state of health before the fracture, whether the patient lived in a nursing home, and the degree of vulnerability and multiple diseases (two or more diseases). In patients with 3 or more risk factors, it is advisable to discuss a conservative policy with the patient or loved ones.

According to Van de Ree, such a conversation can only take place if the palliative care meets high standards, and if the caregiver, patient, and family are all able to have an open conversation.

Mark Van de ReyOutcome after hip fracture in older patients: medical decision-making, quality of life and societal impact. Proefschrift Universiteit Tilburg, November 2020.

Francine Arts

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