The museum discovers that the message of painter Munch in The Scream is |  Currently

The museum discovers that the message of painter Munch in The Scream is | Currently

A Norwegian museum claims to have discovered who left a message on the famous painting Yelp By the painter Edvard Munch (1863-1944) from 1893. Written in Norwegian, “Only a madman can paint it.” Experts now say that the painter himself is behind this inscription.

The message is more than a century old. The first known reference to the text dates back to 1904, according to the National Museum in Oslo. A Danish art critic at the time believed the visitor left the message on Munch’s work.

“It’s easy to imagine an indignant scene doing this Yelp He looked at a pencil to give his opinion of both the artwork and the product, “The museum wrote in a statement.” But this was not the case.

Text in the top left corner of the panel. It can be seen with the naked eye. Experts discovered the author of the message after examining it with an infrared camera. Then they proved without a doubt that it was the painter’s streak.

Munch eventually made several copies of it Yelp. The inscription is on the original

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