The Fantastic Beasts series appears to be discontinuing after three movies, according to Protagonist |  Watch

The Fantastic Beasts series appears to be discontinuing after three movies, according to Protagonist | Watch

In the event of new films, the actor would gladly return to the role of magician and animal lover Newt Scamander. “I love Newt. So if that’s the case, I’m really going to love it.”

One reason is to Harry PotterThe trilogy’s spin-off sticks could be the disappointing return. Fantastic beasts and where to find them achieved another global success in 2016 with revenues of more than $810 million, while the company’s successors The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) and Dumbledore’s secrets (2022) stuck at $650 and $406 million, respectively.

The film series has also faced controversy over a few of its cast members. For example, writer JK Rowling has been criticized for it Transphobic phrases Actor Ezra Miller has been charged with assault and burglary. Johnny Depp, who plays the villain Grindelwald in the first two films, has been replaced by Mads Mikkelsen in the third. The actor had to resign from the role after that his defamation case vs the sun, because of an article he described as “offensive to women”. The judge found insufficient evidence that Depp did not assault his ex-wife.

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